
Although he remains in such premises his mind refuses to get lost in the crowd but instead float above it. Amazed by it she is for it is only her eyes that witness such of his in flight.


From ear to ear, a meer distraction from what lies beneath. Within a matter of time perspective has emerged from all direction. Her heart lifted as the amusement went south. Not above the rest but beyond it. Resting with the crowd is a stretch from possibility as the bed her mind resides in constantly untucks itself. An ascetic instigated by the ignorance within her surroundings. Synical? maybe, her trust lies in herself and herself alone. In one moment the enjoyment becomes an atrophy as she realizes solitude is inevitable. Exhausted from caring she begins in this moment to benevolently send the spectators into their own as she looks towards her autonomy as salvation.


A catastrophe has regirgitated transversely across her mind a consistent whiplash of calamity. The after effects of coming down from the powder which she claims to have seen the light of through the windows of fellow tilted visionaries............she yields, for the continuance of blasphemy is catastrophic in itself.


He grabs, she pulls away...her insecurities dragging her to the corner only seen by stars, because now she runs.



To crave what is unreachable, the gift that keeps giving an outpour of envy. A busom friend stands at my side but gazes from afar to see only what she covets with a devilish seal. She begins to obtain what only could be considered an inferior copy of my original. With love I am endowed but a constant hanker forms behind my conscience reminding me an indiviual can not only be fathomed but soon prosecuted. Although the cruel intentions that begin to grow out of pride begin demonizing the beloved link between a pair are the mere victims of my own arrogance, to help it I cannot. To be aware is a blessing one realizes as they are.



......................my own,